Monday, January 14, 2008

12%+ of Students Transfer In and Out of the WA

If you are feeling like there are lots of transfer students in your building, you are not alone in Washington State. Joe Willhoft, Assistant Superintendent for Assessment and Research at OSPI, reported today in the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee that there are approximately 80,000 students in the ninth grade in Washington but during a school year there will be 90,000+ members of that class. That means that over the course of a school year over 10,000 students will transfer in and out of schools in the Evergreen State. Now that 12.5% change during a year might not surprise you as a building leaders, but when Dr. Willhoft explained the data, one of the was observed to say "WOW!" The next time you contact your elected official, consider explaining the challenges your school faces in helping transfer students be academically successful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At the school where I taught for a year (1200 students) more than 400 transferred out by April. This is 3-4 times higher than the average. Most were 9th graders and very disappointed. I met kids that couldn't divide. I gave up a successful career in teaching (15 years) and started another career. I chose to be honest. I am amazed Washington allows such nonsense - the alternative program was nothing but a euphemism for failure. Very racist. Washington's political leaders are about to face a difficult year. One only has to count the number of young adults walking about who don't have a high school degree. That's what happens when educators delude themselves. Replace the math and science programs with something that works for Christ's sake.