Monday, September 17, 2007

What? A Legislative Score Card Based on Kids?

The Children's Alliance has published its first score card based on votes taken by state legislators on 13 bills that passed during the 2007 legislative session. Although the score card does not take into account many of the bills affecting K-12 education, the votes are instructive to see how your state elected officials vote on issues affecting your students. A sample of the bills appearing on this year's list include: Health coverage for all children, children's mental health, after school programs, and the 2007-9 operating budget. The scoring guide is based on the percentage of votes cast. Children with five stars equals a perfect score and one star represents 0-39 percent yes votes.

There are 53 members of the House of Representatives and 26 senators who had perfect scores. One of those is Representative Pat Sullivan who will be attending the AWSP Legislative Committee Meeting on Oct. 3rd. At the other end of the scale there are 29 representatives and 12 senators who scores less than 60 percent and earning themselves two stars or less. To see the complete report and how your elected official voted, click here.

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